DIY Wills

The value in an estate planning attorney can be a priceless asset with regards to drafting your final wishes in a will. Many people believe that wills are simple and you can create one yourself, or pay for one online for a cheap fee. Although those options may seem economical now, they can have great […]
Complicated Estate Article

How a simple estate can become complicated: If you want to learn more on how to solve these complicated estate planning problems, call us to schedule a consultation!
Closing Steps Article

The Basics of a Real Estate Closing A real estate closing is the process of transferring real property from one owner to a new owner. For first time home buyers, and even seasoned home buyers, real estate closings can seem like a mystery. However, we have created a simple guide that briefly explains each stage […]
Advance Directive Article

Advance Directives An Advance Directive for Healthcare covers four areas. When you complete the form, you choose someone to be your healthcare agent, which is the person who will make medical decisions for you and communicate with your healthcare providers. The most important part of the Advance Directive is the end of life choice section. […]
Transfer of Property Article

If my Spouse Dies, the House Automatically Transfers to me, Right? Although there are some states that may have that rule, Georgia is not one of them. In Georgia there are different ways to hold title to a property. The most popular ways are tenants in common, for only one spouse to hold title, and […]
Title Insurance Article

Importance of Title Insurance Owner’s title insurance protects your ownership rights in your property. Purchasing your home is a huge investment and you should take every precaution to protect it, that includes owner’s title insurance. Owner’s title insurance protects you from past events that are connected to your title. Typically, title issues are caught before […]
POA Article

Should You add your Children to your Bank Account? When you add someone to your bank account, that person becomes a joint owner of that account. That means that they share that asset with you. For instance, if you put your child on your bank account, any of your child’s creditors can use that bank […]
Operating Agreements

An operating agreement is a set of rules for your business. It sets out what happens to the company in certain situations. For instance, an operating agreement explains what happens upon the death of a member, or how to add a new member. Even single member LLCs need an operating agreement. Most banks will not […]
Online Legal Platforms

What We Offer That an Online Legal Platform Cannot Online legal platforms have disclaimers that they do not offer legal advice and are not a law firm. Our firm has knowledgeable attorneys that can offer you legal advice and guidance. For estate planning, our firm offers free consultations. At your consultation, you speak to […]
Non-spouse on Title Article

Should I Put my Girlfriend or Boyfriend’s Name of the Deed to my House? Technically, you can add whoever you want on the deed to your house, however, it may spell trouble when the relationship ends. When you add a non-spouse to the deed of your home, it almost always guarantees litigation if the relationship […]